My Story

Jim Randall

As a youth working in our grocery store in Austin Manitoba I learned the importance of building relationships with suppliers, customers and community.

My father taught me that we tell our story more by what we do and how we do it rather than what we say. He taught me the importance of operating with integrity.

My Masters in Business Administration at Queen’s University confirmed the teachings of my father and allowed me to see that their application was universal.

It was in the 1980’s as Vice President of Marketing with Inland Natural Gas a large Canadian energy utility I began to understand the importance a corporate story and corporate storytelling plays in our ability to connect and build relationships with others.

In 1988 I was part of the team that put together the acquisition of The BC Hydro Gas Division. At the time this was the largest privatization of an energy utility in North America. The result was the province wide energy corporation BC Gas.

As Vice President of Operations for BC Gas my mandate was to change the culture from that of a crown corporation to that of a public company operating in a competitive industry. I used stories and storytelling to connect with those on our front line and those supporting them, together we explored possibilities, developed new ideas and build new relationships.

In 2005 Raconteur was created resulting from the collaborating with Roger Chilton the founder of Quantum Ideas. We developed the concept of Beyond Integrity. Beyond Integrity involves a story, a conversation and a commitment to not just operate with integrity but to be perceived to operate with integrity. Today I use this concept in my corporate storytelling and my keynotes and seminars.

Recently, I developed a better understanding of the issues faced by non-profit enterprises. Working with the President of the BC Federation of Foster Parent Associations we created a new story for that organization. We then engaged foster parents, community child care workers and Provincial representatives throughout British Columbia at Idea Forums sponsored by the BC Foster Parent Associations. At these Idea Forums the President told the story and I engaged those present in contributing their ideas on how we should progress and how we should measure our progress. These Forums not only engaged people but produces ideas for future initiatives.

My experience with the BC Federation of Foster Parent Associations led to the development of a program called A Guide for Social Entrepreneurs – Telling our story. A copy of the Guide is available on this site.

My latest venture to help me engage those I serve and those who contribute to my success is stand-up comedy. Check the events section for my latest “gigs”.